Saturday, November 14, 2009

Halo Series: Part 2

Ready for some more of my own personal rants and some educated view points? Oh yeah, I'm totally ready.

This part will be focusing the game play of Halo.
Now before we get into things, lets look into some FPS that were on consoles before Halo's release in early 2001

Medal of Honor
Unreal Tournament
Half Life 1 (remake)
Agent Under Fire: 007
Red Faction
Time Splitters

Well, as mentioned before, Unreal Tournament was already for PC and had little to no multiplayer capabilities unless you were playing on PC, Medal of Honor was pretty good, Atlantis was dece at best, Half Life is pretty good, but then again there's PC that beats the console experience. Red Faction is alright, lack of multiplayer, Time Splitters was alright too, there's some multiplayer.

BUT REMEMBER!!! PS2 ONLY 2 CONTROLLER PORTS!!! (I mean seriously, what's the deal, good system...but only 2 controller ports?!)

So Halo had some pretty cool things going on. It had solid controls, if you've ever played a good console shooter, Halo set a pretty good template for future shooters to follow. Now here's the thing with shooters before this, they were either all super high tech weapons that are like WOAH or old boring guns that are real.
You had a familiar and new arsenal at your disposal. You've alien (covenant) weapons, and human weapons. These have different effects and lead to different ways to play. Covenant plasma weapons would drain your shields alot faster than bullets would, but once you've got those shields down and all you have is a plasma rifle and pistol you're going to have a hard time killing someone with just plasma. On the other hand, bullets damage physical health faster than plasma, but as mentioned before is a bit slower at draining shields. So once shields are down, bullets will do a good job killing someone quickly. Added with frag grenades that do considerable damage and large splash damage, and don't forget about everyone's favorite plasma grenades that stick onto your opponents and a melee. This "sacred triangle" really diversifies game play allowing for different ways to play as opposed to the traditional "keep on shooting" mentality.

This allows people to have a mix of weapons to fit their style of gameplay. Personally, I generally like to carry a plasma rifle and some sort of bullet weapon whether it be a pistol, assault rifle, battle rifle, SMG, or sniper rifle. I quickly drain their shield and try and go for a head shot, or you know...spray. Added with grenades to throw around corners when occasion calls and some sticky grenades for mid-range low ammo desperate measures.

This triangle added with vehicles that are very difficult to destroy, makes for some pretty intense gameplay. Though hard to destroy, there are several means to destroy them, usually by hijacking it or killing the driver. Also in Halo 3 and ODST, an overcharged plasma pistol shot will temporarily stop a vehicle from functioning for about 5 seconds. 5 very precious seconds, by that time a grenade is set to explode in 1 second destroying the vehicle AND the driver. AWESOME

Added with a fresh console multiplayer experience and solid gameplay that is made to fit other diverse playing types results in a great gaming experience.

Vehicles + Easy Multiplayer + Sacred Triangle = Lots of fun

I would like to say that this post has been brief and I'm shocked.

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