Monday, October 12, 2009

S and Z are little shits

Ok. Everyone likes Tetris, some more than others, some less. What matters though is that everyone loves Tetris, but I think it is safe to say that just about EVERYONE hates the S and Z block. You know those little freaks of nature that don't really fit anywhere, so you gotta look at the list of blocks you're about to get to check for an S or Z blocks and when you see one you're like, "Aw, crap. Gotta get ready for this."

It's like having your grandparents or your annoying old (reeeaaaally old) aunt over, you know it's going to happen in advance, there is NO way of avoiding it, so the best thing to do is to get ready for it as best as you can.

It's nothing like the I block (you know, the one that is just a straight line) you want that to come, but it never does. You have the entire grid filled out save for this little strip that you've reserved for the I block and by the time it finally comes you are one block away from a game over; then out of nowhere the I block comes and you're happy as can be. It's like when Jesus came back to life, hopelessness fear, then this wonderful thing comes along and saves you and makes everything better.

Let's recap

S and Z blocks = Satan
I Block = Jesus
L, J, and O are the under appreciated middle child.
T is a mystery because I could never understand how to do a T-Spin

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