Friday, September 25, 2009

Batman Arkham Asylum

I had very limited time playing the game. It wasn't so short that you can't have a formulated opinion, but just enough to have a good opinion about it.

The beginning of the game takes your through the Asylums dark halls. The Joker is making constant comments and jokes as the credits role, it gets a bit boring after a while and you just want to play the game, but don't worry it's only about 5 minutes. Waiting 5 minutes is well worth, you go through the usual how to play like any other game.

The combot in the game is spot on, it's an easy task, but is a very fun one. You simply press X to attack, Y to counter enemies, and B to do this weird thing with your cape that stuns them for a short period of time. Tapping LT will throw a baterang and and holding it will take you into an aiming mode where you can make more precise shots, this is used more when sneaking or breaking control panels. As easy as the combat is, it gets a bit difficult when there are 8 thugs on your back and you don't notice that you should counter and you get smacked in the back of the head with a lead pipe. You can counter enemy attacks when little waves come from the top their heads, it looks alot like the spidey sense in the spiderman games.

Combat when your enemies have guns turn into a whole new situation. You'll find yourself dead if you approach enemies with guns the same way you approach enemies without guns. Because of this you'll need to use stealth to take down your enemies, this can be done in a variety of ways. There are always conveniently located gargoyles you can hang from where the enemies you can't see you. Holding RT will take you into a crouch which is used when sneaking behind enemies. Fighting enemies with stealth adds a fun, different level of enjoyment and difficulty whether you are using a glide kick or an inverted take down.

Combat aside, when you're not fighting you are going from point A to point B or tracking someone down, like trying to find Comissioner Gordon. While getting to certain areas you probably have to rip open air vents or use your grapple gun to get up to high places and glide to lower platforms, you may sometimes experience a Zelda or Metroid kind of situation where you know where you're supposed to go but you don't exactly know how to get there. And you run around for a while thinking of the most obscure ways to get there, and then you look and or down and there is a place you can grapple up to, though it may just be me, you rarely ever come across a situation like this. Exploration and making your way to destinations reminds me alot of the Metroid Prime series, especially the third Metroid Prime game where destinations and objective points are alot more linear and less open ended. While there is still room for exploration, there is generally only one way to go, you may come across a dead end but you will never be frustrated while trying to get to a destination. Despite feeling a little bit like Metroid Prime, the exploration and platforming is all original and is absolutely solid.

There's a light RPG element in this game as well, just very light though. Every time you rescue someone, kill a thug or complete and objective you are rewarded with experience. As soon as this experience bar is filled up you can access an upgrade screen where you can improve anything from your armor, get better comboes, get stronger baterangs, and even be able to throw multiple baterangs at once. (My personal favorite is the inverted take down)

Batman: Arkham Asylum is spot on, every aspect of the game has been finely executed from combat to exploration. You constantly feel like a bad ass and you feel like a total beast when you pull of a huge combo or glide down from a gargoyle and knock out an enemy. Even when sneaking around you feel like a ninja. You are Batman.

The only gripe I really have with the game, is that if you are talking to a guard, a doctor, etc. It just looks incredibly awkward; the people are completely still except for their lips that are moving when they talk. When Batman responds to their remarks the camera goes into this weird view from behind the person you are talking to's shoulder. Batman is just as awkward talking as everyone else, completely motionless except for his mouth. This is just a personal gripe, but the awkward conversation only comes up every once in a while and is easily pushed aside and you'll soon forget it ever took place.
(Despite how little of a gripe it is, it's my only gripe so you know. It leaves alot of space to elaborate on.)

This game is definately worth your money. Used or new, you will get your moneys worth.*

Gameplay: 9
Presentation: 9
Lasting Appeal: ? (not enough time with game to know)
Overall: 18/20

*I don't really know too much about replay value since I only got a few hours with the game.

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