Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let it snow

It's felt so long since the last time I've seen snow. I thought I would only see a little bit of snow this year, but I was sooo wrong. It started snowing on Monday, and boy did it snow. A few hours later a snow day was called and I didn't have any school the next day. Tuesday rolls along and it is still snowing! When will it end? No surprise when I learned that I didn't have school yet again on Wednesday. (today)

The snow didn't stop any time soon, I was up until 3 in the morning and it was still snowing. It poured for a long time...God must have really bad dandruff. Anyways, I wake up in the morning and what do I have to do? Shovel snow, almost a foot of snow. The roads got plowed and many of the sidewalks shoveled, and you know what? Another snow day was called, no school tomorrow.

It's going to be a white Christmas, maybe a little bit too white for my liking. Blog has been neglected for a while. Nothing interesting has been happening, I'm coloring a friend's pickguard. I've been crunching for time so there hasn't been too much time to work on it, these snow days are a wonderful time to finish things up. It should be completed soon so hopefully we'll have an interesting post soon.

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