Saturday, December 19, 2009

Online Gaming

You know what? It's hard to be a hardcore gamer when you don't have much money, I've never had too much experience with online gaming. I've spent some time with Unreal Tournament 2004 where I quickly got my ass owned and I played Gunz: Online for a while, which is...just crap.

All of this is going to change soon, for I'm finally going to have money for X-Box Live and I can experience some of the X-Box's best exclusives to their fullest potential. All of the games I've talked about have little to no multiplayer mention, I hope to expand on my game reviews by now being able to talk about online multiplayer. Because many people don't even play the campaign in games, many people went straight online when Halo 3 came out and to this day have never played through the campaign. It's a pretty big deal and it's the selling point many of the gamers out there who play games just for the online multiplayer.

I plan on enjoying Halo 3 and ODST online along with Gears of War and other titles. Did someone say new time waster? I think so.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

From console to console

I borrowed Fallout 3 from a friend of mine, now that I have a PC that can actually play games, a whole new world of video games is opening up to me.

I've beaten Fallout 3 on my XBox 360 and thoroughly enjoyed the game, now I can enjoy playing Fallout 3 in the portability of a laptop. (I don't know if a 19 inch screen is that portable, but hey, it fits in my backpack and I play it at school in study halls.) In addition, I now have all the extra fun mods have to offer along with a wonderful thing called the console command that basically lets you do anything.

Though I still have to mess around with the vast amount of mods I can play with, I want to see what Fallout 3 is like without mods, etc. simply played on the PC. Anyone who knows video games knows that controls hugely impact how one enjoys playing a game. So far I would have to say that the controls while playing Fallout 3 on PC vs 360 has it's ups and downs. For example, to pull up your Pipboy, which serves as your status menu to equip and unequip armor and weapons, along with managing ammo and medecine, you press B on XBox and Tab on PC. While the B button is easily located on your controller, I often find myself pressing Caps Lock or Q which toggles the always walk or auto run control. This can lead to such misfortunes such as walking into a landmine, losing focus as you try to figure out why the pipboy won't pull up while you take heavy damage, and of course simple annoyance.

The same problem goes with sneaking, to toggle sneak mode you simply press the right analog stick down on 360, where as you press Ctrl on PC. While the repercussion of missing this button press is vastly lowered, it's still annoying when you have to look down to see where you're finger is.

Though these are minor problems that are easily fixed after playing for a while. (I've almost gotten used to it all, my finger still occasionally misses the Tab button) Despite this, the PC still wins in one area of controls that console won't be passing in for a long time. Aiming, first person games seem like they are made for the mouse and keyboard. Sniping, shooting and just moving around is alot more fluid than it is on two analog sticks.

After some thought and consideration, you can't say which control scheme is better, PC or console. It's all preference, but when you want to get more bang for your buck, the winner is clearly PC. With so many mods out there, the time you can spend playing a game can be endless. Downloadable content can only last you so long, but the wonderful community of modders are always at it leaving you with an almost endless myriad of extra content. And it's free too!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let it snow

It's felt so long since the last time I've seen snow. I thought I would only see a little bit of snow this year, but I was sooo wrong. It started snowing on Monday, and boy did it snow. A few hours later a snow day was called and I didn't have any school the next day. Tuesday rolls along and it is still snowing! When will it end? No surprise when I learned that I didn't have school yet again on Wednesday. (today)

The snow didn't stop any time soon, I was up until 3 in the morning and it was still snowing. It poured for a long time...God must have really bad dandruff. Anyways, I wake up in the morning and what do I have to do? Shovel snow, almost a foot of snow. The roads got plowed and many of the sidewalks shoveled, and you know what? Another snow day was called, no school tomorrow.

It's going to be a white Christmas, maybe a little bit too white for my liking. Blog has been neglected for a while. Nothing interesting has been happening, I'm coloring a friend's pickguard. I've been crunching for time so there hasn't been too much time to work on it, these snow days are a wonderful time to finish things up. It should be completed soon so hopefully we'll have an interesting post soon.