Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I recently got xbox live, I've been playing alot of online multiplayer. Earlier today I was playing a game and my friend happened to announce he was camping. We were playing Super Smash Brothers...what? Yeah, you can camp in SSB, but his camping turned into a single thought about the appropriateness of camping, when it is acceptable and when it is not. Here's what I have to say.

Whether you were or are camping, everyone is still going to hate you regardless of the situation you are in. Yet sometimes, it's ok, kinda...

When you are playing a game like Counter Strike or Modern Warfare, you're basically going to be forced to camp at one point or another. Stick around and pick of some enemies so you can move on by without getting yourself killed. Other games like Halo or Unreal Tournament, that is where camping is absolutely unacceptable. Unless you have a sniper rifle you're basically a total jack ass, and the true legit gamers that don't have lives (me, haha) learn to run and snipe at the same time.

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